The Game

A Good Food, Good Mood Game

More Than Your Average Board Game
The Vegoland Game was created to motivate children to eat healthy, fresh vegetables. Most parents and caregivers complain that children refuse to eat vegetables. A part of the reason is that vegetables do not create positive feelings in children. Sweets, on the other hand, have positive association for children, not only because of a satisfying taste but also because they are usually served as treats during the “happy moments” like birthday parties, Halloween, etc.
So what if we use a more playful and happy approach while eating vegetables? Amazingly it works! Try it for yourself and your children. Once they start playing, it is so much easier, even exciting to start consuming fresh and colorful veggies.
Be ready to prepare more than enough servings of vegetables. Usually the plate is empty way before the Vegoland game is over :).


The Educational Purpose

The Vegoland Game has many educational components for children, especially younger ones. The game consists of pins with letters A, B and C that stand for “Awesome”, “Brave: and “Cool”. Also there are cards with numbers: =1, -1, +2, +3, so, the concept of counting, addition and subtraction are also used when playing.
There are different colored “stepping stones” on the game’s board: orange, green and gray. When a player lands on the orange “stepping stone”, for example, then it is time to pick and eat orange/red vegetables. From the game, children learn that orange colored vegetables promote good vision and green ones build strength.